Check the time (VPS and your host)
1 | date -r |
Make sure the distance between them is smaller than 2 minutes. Different timezone is OK.
install v2ray
There is no difference between servers and clients. They differ by configurations.
- Linux
1 | bash <(curl -L -s |
- macOS
1 | brew tap v2ray/v2ray |
customize your configuration (refer)
1 | vi /etc/v2ray/config.json |
can verify the format of json.
Or just test the configuration by v2ray itself:
1 | v2ray -test -config=./config.json |
Start your server
1 | systemctl start v2ray |
Start your client
- macOS
1 | v2ray -config=./config.json |
Or use brew (auto restart at login) :1
brew services start v2ray/v2ray/v2ray-core
- macOS GUI :v2rayX
1 | brew cask install v2rayx |
I suggest that configure the v2rayX manully, because the import method doesn’t work on my machine.
V2rayX will configure the system proxy automaticly, so SwitchOmega
is not necessary.
- Android: v2rayNG
There is no worry any more about my study!!!😂